Thursday, October 9, 2014

Ease Testing Anxiety

I think that there are many ways to ease test anxiety. A main way is to make a study guide with everything that will be covered in the next exam. Also, the students should know the set-up (multiple choice questions, essays, short answer, etc.). In high school, my Spanish teacher would let us copy the test questions if we put in the effort to stay after school. This is a great way to ease test anxiety because students will know exactly what they are testing on. The parents also do not need to worry about how their child is getting home because there is always a late bus after school.


  1. I LOVE STUDY GUIDES! I think every class should give one out because it is less stressful for the student, and they really have no excuse to not studying what is needed. I hate when teachers give you curve balls, it makes me more anxious and I usually blank everything I learned...any who, I love your ideas!

  2. Emmarose, I completely agree with your point on the study guide part of this post! I know, personally, I tend to be more at ease taking a test if I was prepared ahead of time with a study guide knowing exactly what is going to be on the test, how it is going to be given (multiple choice, fill in the blanks, essay etc.). It is going to allow that student to focus less on the anxiety of it all, and focus more on the actual content, which at the end of the day is the whole goal/outcome.

    Great post Emmarose! :)

  3. I think study guides are hugely beneficially to ease test anxiety!! I normally only get anxiety when I am not confident in the subject or do not know what to expect on the test. My psychology professor gave study guides with similar questions that would be on the test. Answering the questions on the study guides was optional, but recommended because it was also a studying technique. I love this idea because the professor could really tell which kids were putting forth effort and wanted to actually succeed in the class by who got good grades on the test. Higher test scores meant that those students most likely completed the guide.
