Saturday, October 25, 2014

Pen Pals

When I was in second grade, we were pen pals with the eighth graders in my school district. Every month we would exchange letters and during the school year, we visited them at their school once and they visited us at our school once. It was something that each student looked forward to every month and it also improved the students' writing. It was really neat to talk to someone older than us and I would like to do the same in my future classroom. However, I think it would be fun for the students to video chat with their pen pals. With today's technology, students can meet someone from across the country instead of just in the same town or even state. Creating a pen pal program with a classroom across the country would teach my students about traditions and cultures that occur around the United States.  


  1. Great post Emmarose! Technology has expanded so much, and that is such a good idea! I also had pen pals when I was in elementary school, and we usually wrote to students from other states. I also remember flat stanley! Anywho, skyping someone from a different country would be so cool, and educational as well. Students could keep a journal and have certain questions that they can ask their pen pal. This would be a good idea to share! :)

  2. Great idea Emmarose! In fourth grade, my class had pen pals as well. We were told that at the end of the year we would be able to meet them. Time constraints did not enable us to do that. I was so upset because my older sister was able to meet her pen pal when she was in my grade. I think the video chatting is a good idea because it is easier to set up than an actual field trip to another school!
